Frequently asked Questions

Before contacting us, please make sure you're familiar with some of the frequently asked questions below.

  • What is Robotaffs Partner Program?

    Robotaffs partner program is an affiliate program meant to reward marketers for promoting our binary option offers. They can choose to promote our offers via SEO, Emails etc with the use of our own marketing tools or their custom-made tools.

  • How can i know my marketing performance?

    Your marketing efforts are well represented with a statistical data that can be viewed anytime by you in any date range or format you want it within your affiliate dashboard.

  • What is your commission structure?

    We pay $250 CPA (Cost per Acquisition) for each valid client referred who deposits into any our supported brokers via your links.

  • When is Payment made?

    Payment goes out every 24th of each month for last month’s work.

  • What Payment Methods are Available?

    At this time, we can only pay you via the following methods:

    • PayPal
    • Neteller

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